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Even ordinary women's robes would have sleeves of as much as four or five feet in width. Men's clothing was still based to an extent on practicality, especially where horse-riding was necessary. Imperial servants, however, wore color-coded garb, with the shades for each class laid down by the Emperor Gaozong. Accessories In addition to being required to wear specific hues and types of clothing, civil servants in Tang China also carried certain accessories according to their rank. High-ranking officials were allowed to wear a knife or sword, while those in the next class down sported a jade belt. Lower-ranking men also wore belts, but of gold and silver. Ordinary citizens were prohibited from wearing anything more than a small knife of iron or bronze. Hats made of bamboo were often worn by women, on top of a coiled "cloud bun" hairstyle. It was considered best for the temples to be covered by hair.

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