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Fri, 09 Jul 2021 19:20:14 +0000

The first happened when I was seven. My late grandmother Jean had a little Norfolk terrier called Russet. I remember bending down to stroke him, at which point he snapped at my fingers, drawing blood. It was a sharp and painful lesson that not all dogs are alike. Russet had teeth and he wasn't afraid to use them. I suppose you can't blame him — I was ten times his size, and he wasn't used to boisterous games with children. I must have looked like a rampaging orangutan. All dogs are faithful to their owners and Russet lived alone with Grandma. I suppose he was just trying to protect her and his 'territory'. Another terrier gave me a nasty bite on the ankle because I strayed too close. I haven't trusted small dogs since. When confronted with a yapping ankle-biter, I might pretend to be cheerful and jocular. But inwardly, I'm terrified. I have been known to cross roads to avoid terriers, or 'terrier-ists' as I sometimes prefer to call them. And when I go running, I'm far more likely to be chased by a yappy Jack Russell or toy poodle lunging at my heels than something big and lolloping and gentle.

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Such issues do sometimes arise between first-generation immigrant parents and their American-born kids, but this dynamic has nothing to do with Falun Gong. ABC's statement that I became "absorbed" with practicing Falun Gong, to the detriment of my work, my family, and Anna's education, is false. ABC reports that "Anna watched as her mother gradually became absorbed in Falun Gong. She pulled Anna out of a Catholic school and quit her job to take up selling books for Falun Gong. Her time was increasingly spent doing exercises, meditating, and reading the movement's teaching. " These statements are completely fabricated and malicious. ABC's narrative to depict me as obsessed with Falun Gong to the neglect of my family, is false and slanderous. Anna was 8 years old at the time and did not mind leaving the Catholic school to enrol in a top public school in the area, preparing her for a prestigious private high school. This choice offered the greatest level of academic rigour and enrichment for Anna.

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