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Primark could raise prices to make money online, but this "would remove Primark's major competitive advantage and USP [unique selling point] and bring it into the danger zone of middle-market fashion where there is little to differentiate the offer from peers, " the analysts wrote. Primark company executives have made the same point in the past. "The cost to support home delivery can't be supported with our price points, " John Bason, finance director of Primark parent company Associated British Foods, told The Wall Street Journal in 2017. Low prices are well worth it, he added. "Volumes don't go up by a bit, they go up by a lot. " The collapse of other brick-and-mortar rivals gives Primark a chance to gain more market share, the analysts said. They estimate the retailer could capture around £6 billion, or $7. 5 billion, in extra sales. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Stay up to date with what you want to know. Subscribe to push notifications Loading Something is loading. More: Primark Fast Fashion Apparel Zara Chevron icon It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.

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